Heart Work, Drozda, 2009, underpainting
“The love we give away is the only love we keep” Elbert Hubbard
The First Quarter Moon phase began Sunday, September 4 in the early afternoon (EST) and extends through Thursday, September 8 at dawn.
At the time of the First Quarter Phase under this September Moon we rally and manifest what we’ve been working toward. We make a push forward and step up the pace. This Love cycle isn’t about getting our own needs met it’s about giving our best and making what we love visible.
The vision that we held at the Spring Equinox (March 22) and at the New Moon of August 28 (think gathering power) becomes propelled…think rocket booster…blast o’ power… and this level of moving forward requires courage. I may sound like a broken record but this is the month to send your energy ideas into orbit…this is the month to grab hold of your star and shine. And just to keep it all in perspective…a gentle reminder that blasting off into a place of depth connection to ‘loving the life that is’ requires major courage and committment...read more
On the New ‘Experience’ moon, September 27, AHA’s for the Art/Life e-studio will open with ‘Tools for Change’. Eight focused ways to deepen your calm and quiet as you balance intention, motivation and desire. Being a member of the AHA community will be a rich and enlivening no pressure addition to your Art/Life. This is an opportunity to experience a lot of joy in a time when…hello…we truly deserve to recognize that we as artists are responsible for bringing the best we have to offer to every situation, relationship, opportunity and challenge…this is the time we were made for.
Participants in the live workshop version of AHA wrote in their evals:
“I want more!”
“This is a very powerful,creative and wonderful course. The instructor is very talented and brings forward participants gifts and skills.”
“Uplifting, encouraging, motivating, self-encouragement.”
”This is the second time I took this course and I loved it even more this time…”
very exciting...I won't be joining this time around, but it is most certainly intriguing:-)