Monday, April 4, 2011

Following the Moon: Go With All Your Heart

'How Can I Help?, Drozda, 2001, 20x16", mixed/panel, private collection

Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.


Welcome to 'Following the Moon'. Today, Monday, April 4, we're just 3 days into the new 'Clarity' Moon cycle. The Clarity Moon signals the beginning of the Natural Year. take a moment and take that in. Fresh. New. Beginning. Start.

There's something quite exceptional about being awake and aware to this once a year opportunity to infuse your Art/Life with a sense of wonderful newness. The Natural Circle has now flung open her door and all you need do is step in.

Recently I was reminded of a lovely word, liminality, that refers to stepping over a threshold .
Wikipedia offers this:
"Liminality (from the Latin word līmen, meaning "a threshold") is a psychological, neurological, or metaphysical subjective state, conscious or unconscious, of being on the "threshold" of or between two different existential planes..."     read more...

Much Love on your New Adventure,
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Iona!

    I must admit I feel like I'm at a new beginning or starting point right now. Possibilities seem endless, where to start, which one to choose? Another timely post from you. Thank you!

    ~Kathleen Krucoff


Thanks for stopping '-)