Sunday, September 2, 2012

Following the Blue Moon

 Journal page, Drozda,  2006

It's been a busy time, no?
As it ought to be during this most active 'doing' time of the year.

Celebrate the Full 'Love' Blue Moon with some dancing.

I'm so happy to share with you the 'Life in Transit' project that I've been investing in since last fall and now launched  as a public art initiative in collaboration with dear artist friend, poet/educator Toni Wynn and nonprofit partner, Tidewater Arts Outreach.

'Life in Transit', a public art/education project, honors and respects the strength and vitality of women around the world who have taken creative action to be liberated from domestic violence and poverty.
As a 'think global, act local', venture LiT invites a group of marginalized and culturally invisible women (who have participated in a community shelter support program in our community) to creatively express their inner strengths and inspire courage through personal art made public.

Please visit our new Face Book page, friend us and give the project a LIKE...we're moving toward sponsorship by our public transit system, enlisting their support in making 'Life in Transit' a community your life in transit? ...visit our blog and share your courage and strength.


And may you dance...

Subscribe to the Luna See   Read the 2012 Lifecycle Forecast


  1. oh how wonderful...I've not been online visiting good to see what you are up to!

  2. so wonderful!!! I will go visit your fb page soon to learn more! I hope that you will consider sharing an offering for this year's 4th annual gratitude word quilt. You can find information about the project and how to participate at the top of my blog.

  3. just want to say: May this New Year be one of realized dreams… even those we did not realize we were dreaming!


Thanks for stopping '-)