'Good Planets are Hard to Find', Drozda, 2006, 18x18" mixed/panel
Welcome to ‘Following the Moon’. Today, Monday, April 18, we’re two weeks into the ‘Clarity’ Moon cycle. In April I find that it’s powerful to cast a glance back to October. Exactly 6 months ago you had a 31 day energy preview of what this year holds. It happens every October. It’s as though a magic mirror is held up. If you look into it you’ll catch a glimpse of where you’re headed physically, emotionally and spiritually.
This year suggests that there is significant effort required, groundwork to be laid and concentration is mandatory. You might find it interesting to take a look back at your calendar to see what was happening 6 months ago…just notice.
I’ve had some challenge with concentration during this Clarity cycle. It occurred this past week. I thought to relate what’s come of it for me.
When I get particularly happy I tend to unconsciously stop myself. I sober up. No nonsense, take care of business. I imagine it comes from having lived through violence and the post trauma of having to be hyper vigilant...
read more and as always return here to leave your wonderful thoughts or leave them here...either way do leave your footprint ;-)
Earth Day
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Missed reading your blog while I was traveling... another lovely post with a beautiful painting... Happy Earth Day to You!!