Monday, February 2, 2009

The Beauty of Candlemas

A lovely cross quarter day to you as we pass the mid point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.


  1. The days are getting longer. YES! We actually saw the sun here today.

  2. Earthmother you bring a smile to my face... when I came to Ohio last February for an opening at Ursuline the Plain Dealer ran a front page mention that if the sun didn't come out that day it would be 91 days since it had last shown!!
    I do not miss the lake effect cloud cover :-)
    But I do miss all my pals!! Yes...Amen to more light!!!!

  3. Candlemas/Brigid's Day is a special holy day to me, as I have an afinity with the goddess Brigid. For me it is a turning point, a time to focus on new beginnings. This painting is beautiful; thanks for sharing it.

  4. Hi Sharmon...Yes a time for new beginnings does Thoreau say it...'imagine a certain kind of summer even in the midst of winter' is sooooooooooooooo cold now so dreaming of summer and the creative burgeoning to come is a wonderful practice for this time of year. :-)

  5. This is so beautiful and soul-filled.

    Love Renee


Thanks for stopping '-)