Friday, August 15, 2008

Full Lunar Eclipse...create create create

I thought I'd have my Lifecycle Forecast Newsletter designed and sent by this point in the August 'Trust' moon cycle...however life being what it is I will offer 'the best thing'...a visit to helloha land and my dear friend Sandra at my article (scroll scroll scroll down the page to August ) then visit the whole site and peruse all of the amazing ways that Sandra helps us all 'stay tuned'. ..moon by moon.


  1. Just stumbled onto your website and your wonderful paintings....wonderful energy!
    Thanks for the inspiration,

  2. ...thanks for stopping by...I enjoy visiting your mulitlayered and nature inspired work have a philosophy that I admire...keeping those collections of pieces and parts (of works) saved and then recycled into the new...isn't the studio just the best place in the world...if one must be indoors :-)


Thanks for stopping '-)