Monday, July 7, 2008

In the Studio

I've been considering the current economic climate, the environment and the state of the world. I've been wandering in the woods and remembering a story about a famous scientist, who when threatened with a debilitating illness, sent his care giver out to retrieve a bucket of mud from the river. The scientist thrust his hands into the warm river mud and began to replay the most pleasant scenes of his childhood...mornings spent at the river as his mother washed the clothes. While she worked she told him stories as he played in the warm river mud. Now all these years later he heals himself by reliving those happiest of times.

I feel inspired by this idea and endeavor to recreate for myself similar memories of times when I feel most at home in the world. From this approach there are new paintings arriving, and to honor my joy I'm calling this series 'Bird Watching'. All my life I've been drawing the 'winged ones'. I've always been inspired and uplifted by birds and their ability to maneuver between earth and sky.

Do you have your 'bucket of mud' at the ready? Plunge your hands into the element(s) that help to bring you back into harmony...we deserve to remember our way back home.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!

    Thoughts, painting, and inspiration.

    Thank you for the reminder to enjoy nature


Thanks for stopping '-)