Monday, June 29, 2009

There's Something Happening Here...

As I drive across town I imagine I am quite 'out of my body'. It's been less than 6 weeks since I gave birth and relinquished my baby to Catholic Charities Adoption. Then I came back to my parent's house and hear that a boyfriend had died alone in his apartment from a drug and alcohol overdose. After that shock I am informed that I will be living with strangers next door to my family home.
So having permission to borrow mother's car for this sunny Sunday afternoon gives me the freedom to begin to reconnect to the lives of friends. I'm going to visit a raucous group who are pursuing dreams as artists, musicians and poets. This group shares a big old dorm house on the campus of Case Western Reserve. Even being so oddly out of my body I feel happy that I will see them all, hear the music and have the chance to simply hang out.
An hour earlier the guy on the phone had told me that everyone was across the street in the park playing touch football. When I arrive there's no sign of them. Pulling into the driveway feels odd. There are no bikes leaning against the porch railing. There is no music floating out of the open windows into the small back yard.
This quick graphic done in Sumo shows the back of the house as I pull in.


  1. Hey D, you certainly know how to build anticipation in my beating heart! Imagining all this young woman you has already been through, I want for her happiness in the freedom of the day to continue, but I fear the encountered emptiness... Your story telling, life mining is beautiful.
    loving you, K

  2. thanks K...the sumo program is helping with the detachment required to tell the story as medicine rather than poison... :-)


Thanks for stopping '-)