Friday, March 13, 2009

Spiraling into the Center

For a bit of respite....enjoy a break...and indulge in the art of relaxation...


  1. I've been to Chartres 2x. Have you been there?
    The windows...ahhh. The light and calm in the church, so peaceful.
    There is a labyrinth at the Ursuline Mother House in Pepper Pike which I've walked, it's outdoors on the beautiful grounds.

  2. I LOVE labyrinths! This post reminds me that I need to head down to ARE and walk its labyrinth before the weather turns hot again!

  3. How magnificent that you have been to Chartres Indigo I haven't... though I have walked the labyrinth at Ursuline! and at the ARE both of which I love...but then...I've never walked a labyrinth I didn't love. :-) The ARE is macigal though with the view of the ocean from the terrace...


Thanks for stopping '-)