Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy 20,219 Days

I love birthdays. I love the whole idea of being born. I love being in this Earth School for 20,219 days (including Leap Years). I am so grateful to be able to live and work and share life and love as an artist. I love saying YES until the Universe says no. I love saying "Thank you so much for this precious human life".


  1. You ARE a precious life and a true inspiration. Happy Birthday!

  2. that seems like such a whole lotta days! Have you figured out the hours?! Happy 20,219th day on earth :)
    Finally got your box to the post office (car battery died, and that lead to all plans/schedules unravelling!), and realized i forgot an important element, so another trip is coming!
    xox K


Thanks for stopping '-)